Updated January 20, 2025 15:37 EST |
Our training clinic period in 2025 will start on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 and will end on Saturday, July 12, 2025, two weeks prior to our mass arrival. The training period normally lasts four months. That is the plan again for 2025. The relative early start of the training season takes advantage of the predominantly good flying weather in some areas of the country and allows programming a second clinic in locations where the demand for training is higher, and lead pilots are available. In addition, we want to avoid extending the training period too far into July. The two weeks prior to the arrival should be a time when everyone's attention should concentrate on flight planning and preparing for the trek to Juneau and Oshkosh.
As always, we urge all of our pilots to avoid postponing their training until the last weeks before the arrival. We encourage everybody to get the training out of the way early. Attending a second clinic later in the season is perfectly acceptable and encouraged, but getting your first clinic out of the way early in the season is essential, taking into consideration that weather is always an unpredictable variable. As you all know, weather forecasts are only good for a few days ahead of time. Invariably, clinics will have to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
Many factors are involved in planning a training clinic, the most critical one being the availability of volunteer host and lead pilots at a specific location. We encourage our more experienced pilots to volunteer, train and become lead pilots to conduct clinics at their home base locations.
Updated January 19, 2022 09:26 EST |
Cessnas 2 Oshkosh (C2O) - Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO) Agreement
The Cessnas 2 Oshkosh (C2O) and the Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO) organizations have reached a mutual collaboration agreement for the purpose of training our pilots to fly the mass arrival into Oshkosh. Under this agreement, the Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO) pilots are welcome to attend our clinics and our pilots are welcome to attend their clinics. Attendance to a clinic of one of the two organizations, the training received and the clearance to fly the mass arrival granted by the clinic's lead pilot will be honored by the reciprocal organization.
Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO) pilots who wish to participate in one of our clinics must have approval from Ed LeBlanc, Director of Air Operations for Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO). Send Ed a message via this link.
Cessnas 2 Oshkosh (C2O) pilots who wish to participate in one of Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO) clinics must have approval from Rodney Swanson, our Director of Training and Operations. Send Rodney a message via this link.
This cross-training option is not available for new Cessnas 2 Oshkosh (C2O) pilots or pilots who were not cleared by one of our lead pilots after training in one of our regular scheduled clinics.
Follow this link to view the Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO) clinic schedule.